Gerry’s chronological training and experience
1/ Polarity Energy Balancing practitioner’s diploma from the Polarity Health Institute, Washington State, U.S.A. – a natural heath care system based on the universal principals of energy: attraction, repulsion and neutrality.The flow and balance of electromagnetic energy in the human body is the foundation of good health.
2/ Metamorphic technique, with Gaston Saint Pierre, founder, London, U.K – using a light touch along the spinal reflex points on feet, hands and head. It uses the person’s own life force to do healing. –
3/ Ortho-Bionomy practitioner certificate with Arthur Lincoln Pauls D.O. founder, London, U.K. – ortho-bionomy is a gentle, non invasive, osteopathically based form of body therap.
4/ Advanced certificate in iridology from Bernard Jenson, Escondido, California. – iridology is examination of the iris to determine information about a person’s systemic health www.wikipedia.org/wiki/iridology
5/ Massage diploma from the Krupalu Holistic Health Centre, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
6/ Yoga Teachers Diploma with the Australian and International Yoga Association
7/ Osteopathic and Chiropractic registration
8/ Medical acupuncture certificate
9/ Biomesotherapy training
Post graduate Chiropractic studies include:
T.B.M. Total Body Modification – tbmseminars.com
N.E.T. Neuro Emotional Technique – a mind-body stress reduction technique – www.netmindbody.com
Activator Method – Chiropractic instrument adjusting – www.activator.com
S.O.T. Sacro Occiputal Technique – indicator based approach to patient assessment and treatment. – www.sotousa.com
N.S.A. Network Spinal Analysis – gentle, precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies – www.associationfornetworkcare.com
A.R.T. Active Release Technique – soft tissue system/movement based massage system – www.activerelease.com
A.B.C. Advanced Biostructural Correction – www.advbiostructuralcorr.com
C.B.P. Chiropractic Bio Physics – combines standard chiropractic adjustments with mirror image(opposite position) postural adjustments, spinal/postural exercise and traction – www.idealspine.com&nbs;
T.R.T. Torque Release Technique – non force tonal model – www.torquerelease.com.au
Chiropractic rehabilitation with Dr John Hyland
Wellness seminar modules 1,2,3,4 with Dr James Chestnut , Eat Well ,Move Well, Think Well – www.thewellnesspractice.com
– C.C.W.P. Certified Chiropractic Wellness Lifestyle Practitioner qualification with the I.C.A. International Chiropractic Association, March
Mind Body Training
Voice Dialogue sydney, with the founders Hal and Sidra Stone
N.L.P. Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certificate – utilising a connection between the neurological processes (“neuro”), language (“linguistic”) and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience (“programming”) that can be organized to achieve specific goals in life.www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuro-linguistic_programming
E.F.T. Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping on various body energy point locations to balance meredians/channels that become disrupted when you think about or experience an emotionaly disturbing circumstance www.eftdownunder.com
The reconnection with Dr Eric Pearl www.thereconnection.com
Prych-K aligning subconscious and conscious beliefs www.psych-k.com
The Body Talk Training – https://www.bodytalksystem.com/learn/bodytalk/
Holistic Lifestyle Coaching level 1 with the Chek Institute – disease and stress are preventable through healthy eating habits, lifestyle management and appropraite types of exercise. www.chekinstitute.com
July 23, 2011
Ongoing CPD, Continuing Professional Development
Optimising motor control of the lumbo/pelvic and hip complex, presented by Trish Wisby-Roth, Physiotherapist – view www.bbclasses.com.au
March 3/4, 2012
The McConnell approach to knee problems presented by Jenny McConnell, physiotherapist.- view www.mcconnell-institute.com
June 2/3, 2012
3 dimensional assessment and treatment of lumbar spine and pelvis, presented by Trish Wisby-Roth, Physiotherapist.
– June 16/17 2012 course, evidence based practices for chiropractors today,assessment, care planning, interventions and patient education, presented by Dr James Chestnut www.thewellnesspractice.com
September 15, 2012
course, hip assessment and treatment, presented by Trish Wisby-Roth, Physiotherapist
February 2013
Holistic Lifestyle Coaching level 1 certification, with the Chek Institute www.chekinstitute.com
February 2013
Member of the council on wellness lifestyle science of the International Chiropractors Association (I.C.A.)
March 2013
C.C.W.P. Certified Chiropractic Wellness Lifestyle Practitioner qualification with the I.C.A. International Chiropractic Association
September 2013
Trigenics mid body and spine course with Dr Allan Oolo Austin (founder) A Neurological muscle assessment, treatment and training system to decrease pain and increase strength and movement. www.trigenics.net , www.trigenicsaustralia.com.au
May 15 2014
How to empower change in your clients with Paul Chek – www.chekinstitute.com
June 14/15 2014
Essentials of effective scoliosis management presented by Dr Jeb McAviney www.sydneyscoliosisclinic.com.au
July 8-11 2014
The Experts Academy presented by Brendon Burchard www.brendonburchard.com
July 13 2014
Denneroll spinal orthotics product training in a clinical setting, presented by Dr Adrian Dennerwal www.denneroll.com
February 27/28 2015
Flip Your Business in Sydney presented by Andrew Roberts www.andrewroberts.com.au
February 13-15
Copywriting implementation, Gold Coast, presented by Bret Thomson – www.BretThomson.com
March 9-15
– Kuala Lumpur Malasia Profit Point speaking and communication business certification with Joel Bauer
March 20-22 2015
Internet Income Intensive, Launching products online presented by Peng Joon
May 1-2 2015
Stretching, The Art and Science of Flexibility Training with Paul Chek
May 28-31 2015
Public Speaking University presented by Andy Harrington
June 4-5 2016
Optomising Motor Control of the Lumbo Pelvic Region and Dynamic Hip Retraining Course by Trish Wisby-Roth Physiotherapist
June 12 2016
TRX Suspension Training Course Sydney
July 1-2 2017
Shoulder Workshop with Jenny Mc Connell Physiotherapist
March 21-22 2018
Discovering Your Psoas presented by Liz Koch
March 24-25 2018
3D assessment and treatment of the cervical spine, thoracic spine and ribs presented by Physiotherapist Trish Wisby Roth
May 19 2018
Rock Tape course Sydney
June 21-22 2018
Sydney Kinesio taping presented by Physiotherapist Thuy Bridges
March 2-3 2019
Sydney KLT level 1 Kinetic Link Training presented by Wayne Rodger full body resistance exercise
March 30-31 2019
– Gold Coast SFMA level 1 Selective Functional Movement Assessment
May 3-5 2019
Sydney FMS Functional Movement Screen level 1 and 2
July 13-14 2019
Sydney KLT Kinetic Link Training level 2
November 20-22 2020
Sydney FMS Functional Movement Screen level 1 and 2
November 2022
Joined the Australian Physiotherapy Association
December 10-11 2022
Sydney Approach to chronic low back and leg pain presented by Physiotherapist Jenny Mc Connell
March 18-19 2023
Auckland New Zealand SFMA Level 2 Selective Functional Movement Assessment
May 21 2023
Sydney Rocktape soft tissue course
June 3-4 2023
Sydney Shoulders course presented by Physiotherapist Wayne Rogers
May 4-5 2024
Sydney D.N.S. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation exercise course – Part 1
What is DNS?
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation (DNS) is based on the principles of developmental kinesiology (i.e., movement in the first year of life). This new manual rehabilitative approach is designed to optimise the control and efficiency of the body’s movement system.
How was DNS developed?
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation was developed at the Prague School of Rehabilitation by Professor Pavel Kolar. Professor Kolar was influenced by his instructors Professors Vojta, Janda, and Lewit, who are each renowned in the world of rehabilitation science. Professor Kolar was trained as a physiotherapist and has utilised DNS methods with celebrities in the worlds of sports, politics and entertainment.
How does DNS work?
DNS is about understanding human movement development in the first year of life. A baby is not taught how to roll, sit up, crawl, stand, or walk. Babies perform these movements naturally on their own with ideal posture, ideal stabilisation, and ideal movement patterns. The good news is that your brain still has access to these “ideal” programs. By working through a series of progressive developmental positions and exercises that mirror the milestones of a baby, we train the brain to improve posture, stability, breathing, and movement, thus optimising function and reducing pain.
When is DNS used?
DNS can be utilised to supplement standard chiropractic visits. The DNS method is particularly valuable in addressing chronic pain and complex neurological cases. It is also effective in enhancing sports performance and caring for children with delayed developmental milestones.
July 13-14 2024
Newcastle D.N.S Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation exercise course – Part 2